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Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Post 3

  Welcome to blog 3, today I discussing copyright and fair use within the classroom, technology implementation issues, and my experience in creating a classroom newsletter.         Within the classroom environment, there are many tools and resources that one would like to share with their students and families. Sometimes resources such as study guides or workbooks are often copyrighted. The term copyright is defined as a form of protection for any type of creative work, videos, software, articles, or textbooks. As a teacher, you can utilize copyright materials by following the fair use guidelines. Fair use is a set of guidelines established within copyright legislation that states that copyright material may be used by nonprofits for educational reasons. Although, it states that teachers can use copyright materials teachers should only use a limited amount such as brief excerpts or examples. As a teacher, if I create my instructional material I can protect ...

Blog Journal #2

Hello everyone,  Welcome to blog journal #2 this week I will be discussing my experience using word processing software, ISTE Standards for educators, and my thoughts on the term "digital native" and students' and teachers' relationship with technology.  Throughout my education, I have seen many versions of Microsoft Word. I didn't use MS word as much in elementary school as the technology was not as prevalent as it is now. Instead, I had multiple worksheets and packets that teachers would prepare for me. In middle school, I began using technology more. I would only utilize Microsoft words for projects such as science and history fair. In middle school, I was able to master making titles and typing text in a way that looked aesthetically pleasing once I printed it out. In high school, I truly began using Microsoft word for nearly all of my formal assignments. At first, I honestly dreaded having to type anything on a computer. I had convinced myself that writing on...

Blog One Personal Learning Network

  Hello everyone,  Welcome to blog #1 where I will be introducing myself and talking about my experience with technology in an educational setting as well as personal learning networks that aid me in my learning needs and goals.  My name is Tamara Sonera I am currently a first-year student at Florida State University majoring in Elementary Education. Before coming to Florida State I attended a vocational high school in which I had the opportunity to work with preschool students in a preschool lab. Working with young children throughout high school exposed me to my love for education, children, and working with my community. Throughout the years I focused on teaching reading and math to 3 to 5-year-old students. In March 2019, I earned my Child Development Associate Credential (CDA.) Earning my certification opened the doors for various job opportunities during my senior year of high school. From August 2019 through May 2020 I worked as a Foreign Language Preschool teacher...