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Blog Journal #2

Hello everyone, 

Welcome to blog journal #2 this week I will be discussing my experience using word processing software, ISTE Standards for educators, and my thoughts on the term "digital native" and students' and teachers' relationship with technology. 

Throughout my education, I have seen many versions of Microsoft Word. I didn't use MS word as much in elementary school as the technology was not as prevalent as it is now. Instead, I had multiple worksheets and packets that teachers would prepare for me. In middle school, I began using technology more. I would only utilize Microsoft words for projects such as science and history fair. In middle school, I was able to master making titles and typing text in a way that looked aesthetically pleasing once I printed it out. In high school, I truly began using Microsoft word for nearly all of my formal assignments. At first, I honestly dreaded having to type anything on a computer. I had convinced myself that writing on paper was quicker and more effective. Through practice and various year-long projects, I became accustomed to using Microsoft word. Every time I utilize the software I always find new features to help me become a better writer and student. Currently, as a Florida State student, I utilize Microsoft Word for all of my writing assignments and discussion boards. Due to education being remote the use of Microsoft has become an essential software in all of my assignments. Equally as important, I occasionally use Google Docs. I do not like some of Google Docs features as the formatting changes easily. I use Google Docs when I want to share my writing with others for peer review or ongoing journals that professors can track and write comments on. 

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ISTE Standards for Educators stands for the International Society for Technology in Education which is an organization that focuses on utilizing technology in the classroom. Additionally ISTE focuses on educating teachers and professionals to establish PLN, utilize technology software effectively to support teaching and students. ISTE has a set of standards that are used to guide teachers' technology skills. These standards are: 

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Educational Leaders
  • Technology Coaches
  • Computer Science Educators

The standard that is most meaningful to me is the standards for teachers (educators.) This standard designed for educators has descriptive guidelines that outline a track that teachers can use to help students not only understand technology but use it effectively to aid in their learning. The standard for educators is important in K-12 education because it emphasizes the points that teachers will always be learners. When teachers understand and acknowledge that there is always more to learn it can improve their practice and student learning. Additionally, the standards set by the ISTE for teachers are important in K - 12 education because it allows educators to connect with others in the field and learn from different strategies that are being used every day in the classroom. 

In today's day technology and the use of social networks have shaped how we communicate. The term " digital native" was brought into the public sphere by Mark Prensky. The term digital native refers to individuals who understand the internet and technology like it is innate and something natural. When youth are referred to as digital natives I agree. I believe we grew up in an era where our form of entertainment and education revolved around the evolution of technology and we have been able to see and grow with these changes. In contrast, he also coined the term "digital immigrants" which refers to individuals who are not aware of how the technology works completely. In education, I have seen the differences between digital natives (my peers) and digital immigrants (my teachers.) In the classroom when teachers are using technology I have noticed they take the long route to accomplish the task or they simply struggle to use new emerging tools. For example, when switching to remote classes I saw how teachers struggled to grasp the concept of Zoom and Microsoft Teams. This impacted my learning because teachers would post things in areas that were difficult to access. For example, assignments were posted under the files tab instead of the assignment tabs. As the years go by I know technology will continue evolving. If I do not continue educating myself on new tools I might become a digital immigrant in the future. But I do not plan on this happening I strive to stay updated with technology and emerging tools to be able to connect with my students through technology and teaching. 
